Sunday, February 23, 2014

Smash booking begins .... Cultivating Optimism

I recently heard a presentation about happiness by Dr Mark Holder : the components and characteristics of what makes us happy. It was all based on psychological study, some really interesting experiments and hypothesis. Some of the elements that were discussed hit home to me, in particular that happiness is positively correlated to optimism : more self esteem, health, happiness and morale. Makes sense - right !

One of the options to boost optimism was to write about your ideal self and set obtainable goals. I think this should be extended to positive bits of our day-to-day lives and what makes us happy, what are we proud of, our thoughts, finds, meaningful quotes etc etc. I can sometimes lose sight of these in the mundane reality of day. I think I will also record some of the stuff that gets me down. In a little while I will get a clearer picture of my days and get back in touch with myself.

So here goes, my smash book .....

I bought reasonably priced Moleskine Cahiers. The paper is thin, just sketch paper, so I need to learn not to over embellish or stamp. It isn't meant to be a work of art, of wonder and ooohs and ahhhhhs. But a place for me to have fun, record some stuff and be myself.

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